Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to remove a Facebook page permanently

Deleting a Facebook page is permanent, once a Facebook page is deleted you will not be able to get it back whatsoever, so if you want to unpublish your Facebook page instead and make it invisible to the public click here. If you don't want to use your Facebook page anymore and have decided to delete it permanently. Here's a step by step guide to do delete a Facebook page below:

How to remove a Facebook page permanently:

1 First go to your Facebook page Admin Panel and click on Edit Page, then on Edit Settings as you can see in the picture.

Edit Facebook page settings.

2 Once you are on the Settings page, scroll down and then click on the Remove Page option.

Remove Facebook Page option
3 A confirmation message will appear and says that you have 14 days to restore your Facebook page again before it will be deleted permanently, to continue click on Delete "your Facebook page name", and then click on Delete Page. If you want your Facebook page to be unpublished within the 14 days check on the "Unpublish this page" option; at the down corner of the pop up message, so that no one is going to be able to see your Facebook page in the 14 days.

Final confirmation message for Facebook page removal.

NOTE: If you have a Facebook page which is new or have less than 25 likes, the delete process won't take 14 days, but it will be deleted once you confirm the message and you'll never be able to get it back.

That's all, I hope you find this article helpful for you.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

How to change your Facebook log in email address

If you are not satisfied about using your current Facebook email address every time you log in to Facebook and want to change it for another email address, this guide will show you how to change your Facebook account primary email in 5 simple steps:

1 To change your Facebook log in email, go first to the Facebook homepage and log in with your registered account email and password.

2 Go to your Facebook Account Settings, on the first page of General Account Settings click on third option which is Email just under the Username in order to edit your Facebook primary email address.

3 Now just under your Primary email used for log in, you'll find the option of add another email click on it, then add your new email address; the email that you want to use as your new Facebook log in email.

Add another email address to your Facebook account.

4 To save the new settings type your Facebook password and click on Save Changes, now a confirmation email will be sent to your new email address in order to confirm it.

Saving your new Facebook email address.

5 Finally, and once you've confirmed your new email address, go back to the Email option on the Facebook Account Settings page and check on your new email address to use it as your new log in email, type your password again and click on Save Changes.

Change your Facebook account primary email address.

Now you did change your Facebook primary email address to a new one that you'll use to log in with your Facebook account in the next times. You can change your log in Facebook email address as many times as you want following the same steps above.

That's all, I hope you find this article helpful for you.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

How to download videos from Facebook free and easy

As you know Facebook videos can not be downloaded directly via Facebook to your computer or mobile as Facebook doesn't provide any option to do that, but today I'm going to show you how to download Facebook videos without using any videos download software, free and online from any web browser Google chrome, Internet explorer or Mozilla Firefox.. whether you are using Mac, PC or even phone device. helps you download and save any Facebook video you want to your local disk in MP4 and format and even HD video quality in a very easy way, to do that just follow the next 4 steps below:

1 The step number one is to go on Facebook and find the video which you want to download, once you find the video, Click right on it and select copy link address, or just open the video's link in a new tab and then copy its URL.

Copy Facebook video link address.

2 The second step is to go to, where you can download videos online from Youtube or Facebook and save it to your local disk for free without having to log in or register. once you're on DownloadVids homepage paste the video's link address in the empty white bar then Click on Download.

3 Once you clicked on to click on Download this Video button, the download link will show up in a new tab on your web browser.

Click Download this video button.

4 Finally, open the new video tab, Right Click and select Save as, then choose a download file name and location to the video and then save it.

Save the Facebook video on your local disk. 

NOTE: You can download Facebook videos in HD from the same website, to do that select Download HD quality (only Facebook videos), just under the video download bar.

Congratulations now you learned how to download Facebook videos, that's all, I hope you find this article helpful for you !